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At Ducktoes, we use optimization tools up the ying-yang. One we dream about in our sleep is Auslogics Boost Speed. According to recent reviews, Auslogics speeds up computers by 15 to 20%. The reviewers used PC Mark to measure before and after results. And guess what all? Each computer lost over 20 lbs. and could fit into their old skinny jeans. Nah, Ms. Ducktoes has been going to Weight Watchers too long, and has skinny jeans on the brain, but the computers did lose the dead weight of needed tweaks and adjustments Microsoft failed to implement for speed. They ran 15 to 20% faster. Check it out here.

Also AVG has recently partnered with Auslogics and incorporated Boost Speed into its PC Tools. Read about that here in a press release with PR Web. If you get PC Tools with AVG, you can use it once for free. According to AVG’s top programmers, the optimizations are also quite safe.
CNET Reviews Editors give Auslogics Boost Speed five stars. That’s the highest rating.
If you bring your computer in to Ducktoes, we’ll run all the optimizations for you. Then you’ll have to buy your computer a new pair of jeans. Or we can do this remotely for you, the optimizations, and, lol, even the shopping. Call 403-483-0105.
2 Responses
Wonder what it does? Clean temp files? Delete reg entries? Never heard of it. Will check it out!
It does a lot more than what we use it for. We use it for its disk cleanup, defrag, Internet optimization, checkdisk, and system tweaks.