Finally, a Cure for Cryptolocker

Finally, a Cure for Cryptolocker

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Some of our clients’ computers have been infected with the virus Cryptolocker which encrypts all the files on the computer, and often, unfortunately, the business data and photos. People lose all their baby photos, once in a lifetime travel photos, or photos of a deceased family member or friend. They lose important business data. Now two IT cyber security companies, FireEye and Fox IT have partnered to provide a free service that will decrypt the files.

The virus creators were stopped for awhile by the FBI and RCMP’s Operation Tovar which took down many of the cyber-criminals’ servers. After a couple of weeks, however, Cryptolocker was back, although not as rampant as before, it seems, from my experience. During Operation Tovar decryption keys were obtained and FireEye and Fox IT

These companies have a created website that will help you get a free decryption key.


On the website, you have to upload a encrypted file and send an email address and they will send you a decryption key.

If anyone needs help with doing this or has been infected with Cryptolocker in the past, Ducktoe’s anti-virus lab would be glad to help you recover your encrypted files.