Did you get Koobfaced on Facebook?

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Did you get Koobfaced on Facebook?

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Yes, it’s true, there’s a virus from Facebook called Koobface. If you haven’t noticed, Koob is “book” backwards. If let to run it’s course, Koobface will turn your Facebook account backwards too, or at least inside out. It’ll also infect your computer system. You’ll notice it takes longer to go from website to website. And sometimes when you search on Google, you may get a different search engine instead, a lame, bogus search engine whose primary purpose is to promote its ads. It’s adware.

Facebook suggests you immediately change your password and run a good anti-virus. A GOOD one. If you want the best try Spyware Doctor with Antivirus, the highest rated anti-spyware around.

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Here’s a site that tells you how to fix your system.

Please feel free to comment and let me know how Koobface affects your Facebook account and your computer.

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