Spyware Videos

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Spyware Videos

This is a link to a video on spyware by C-net Reviews. The editors recommend having more than one anti-spyware. I recommend having all three, Spy-bot, Ad-aware and Windows Defender. They all catch different things.
Here’s a video warning of the dangers of spyware and malware. It’s also an ad for Spyware Doctor, an anti-spyware which works great!! Spyware Doctor’s not free, but definitely worth the price which is about $30-$40.

Here’s another video that explains malware and spyware better. I don’t recommend Spyhunter, but the video is great. In a review of anti-spyware; it gets a mediocre rating. See here.

In this review, Spy Sweeper gets the gold. And SpyWare Doctor comes in fourth. I find both of them excellent tools in the fight against spyware.

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