Google plus Microsoft: A Computer Repair Techie’s Best Tool

Google plus Microsoft: A Computer Repair Techie’s Best Tool

Okay, I might as well get it over with, alienate all my Linux and Mac Techie friends in one fell swoop. I know it is politically-incorrect to say this but yes, I love Microsoft. I adore Microsoft madly for its support pages which in combination with Google Search (the top-of the-line search engine) make a powerful reference for computer repair people and computer users. I have to give credit where credit’s due. Thanks, Microsoft and Google!!

Microsoft is generous to go to all the trouble and expense of creating and providing on-line support pages, and for free. I have fixed many, many repair problems by combining the two, Microsoft and Google. No one person can possibly remember all those repair solutions at once. Well maybe out there somewhere in Geekland is an Einstein-techie-with-photographic-memory who can remember a million and three complicated procedures, but it ain’t me.¬† In one week, I fixed Outlook on three clients’ computers, each time with a different solution, and each time I used my Microsoft plus Google solution-finding method. (One business man cried on my shoulder when he lost all his business contacts. Ducktoes to the rescue!!) This week, I fixed a problem with the Recovery Console. Windows firewall had been disabled on a client’s computer and, when I tried to enable it, got an error message every time. I followed Microsoft’s directions to fix it with the command prompt.

It is not politically incorrect to say I love Google, at least not yet, even though they are taking over the digital world. Perhaps because they seem to be doing it in a nice way. Google, like Windows, is becoming a way of life. (Just shun me forever, Linux and Mac people. Lol!!) I use both Adsense and Adwords and I like many features on iGoogle.

By hard work, I’ve been climbing my way to the top in Google Search results for the keywords Calgary Computer Repair, which has earned respect from some techie friends (how did you get on the first page? they always ask) although for some reason this month I went down a few results. You can see Ducktoes placement on Google by clicking here. My friend Mike Yaunish is anchored firmly at the top of Google and I don’t want to replace him. I’d just like to be second, since I get most of my jobs from Google (and word of mouth.) I’m still at the top of Google, however, for the keywords “Calgary spyware.”

Using Google is also a potent anti-spyware tool. Often, when prying out nasty spyware from deep within an OS, I resort to Google to find registry edits (not for Newbies) for the most stubborn malware. And I used Google to fix my Ibook G4 once, when I found a free utility to make all my applications show up again. They’d disappeared.

So, this is what I recommend, if you want to learn to fix your computer yourself, and especially if you’re a computer repair person, use Google plus Microsoft, for fixing Windows computers. It is cool and fun, and it works!!
