Dangers of Computer Pornography

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Dangers of Computer Pornography

Pornography can be an addiction. It is also a multi-billion dollar big business. Pornographers are always trying to find new recruits online. Hoping to suck in more and more customers, they use adware, spyware, and malware to serve pornography to unsuspecting computer users and entice them into their expensive boudoir. One way they do this is called cyber-squatting. According to Jerry Rupelato in his article “Tricks Pornographers Play” pornographers purchase domain names that sound like legitimate sites offering information about various topics. You think you are going to a site to learn about hotels in Germany, for instance, and instead find–you guessed it–graphic pornography. A well-known example of this, according to Rupelato, is whitehouse.com. I remember this example from my days as an Educational Computer Strategist in Clark County School District. Teachers who told their students to research for facts about the President or executive branch of government would be shocked to find the kids had found pornography instead. This didn’t happen in the school’s computer labs because Clark County had strong, effective filters. But it did happen at home. Parents can also purchase filters for their home computers. Click on the above link to find recommended ones. If you are in Calgary or it environs and unsure of how to download, set up, and install a filter, Ducktoes can help. We can come to your home or business. Click here to go to Ducktoes.